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Copleston High School

KS4 General careers information

March 1st-5th. This Week is National Careers Week. If you visit you will find A Film About Hope. All feedback shows that this film has resonated with more students, parents, carers and teachers than any film ... over the last 20 years:


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Careers Advice and Inspiration

Careers provision at this stage will help you develop your knowledge and skills and see how they can be used in the workplace. We encourage you to be aspirational and remain open to the worlds of possibility when considering your career path. You will continue to explore different career paths, be inspired and understand the skills, qualifications and experiences you would need to be successful in that career.

The following resources will help you to understand the range of opportunities available to you in today’s economy and how to acquire the skills and qualifications you need to succeed in the workplaces of the future.

You will find relevant and accurate information about future career opportunities as well as information on sixth form applications, college application, traineeships, apprenticeships and employment skills to enable you to make excellent decisions for bright futures.


For three days of inspirational talks from some of the UK’s biggest employers and influencers, in partnership with BAE Systems. We’ll shine a spotlight on both skills and careers, giving valuable insights into a range of sectors, as well as role models to help you to get the career you want. Each day will feature 30-minute sessions covering a different theme, as well as a special guest presenter.

WorldSkills UK LIVE Online

The National School and College Leaver Show is 1st December 9.30-4.30. Please register now to benefit from dozens of organisations taking part in the event with hundreds of great opportunities for yo. 

Careers Information

Thinking about your next steps? Unsure of what career path you should take? Careermag is a high-quality careers magazine which connects students, graduates, their parents and educators to career support and guidance. Careermag is all about helping young people unlock their full potential through telling stories, dispelling myths and misconceptions and sharing insights into employment and qualification routes. Each issue features top employers, hints and tips to help you with your job search, inspiring case studies and sector spotlights so you can make a well-informed decision on what is right for you

Careers Magazine

The National Careers Service post 16 options You must stay in some type of education or training until you are 18. The National Careers Service helps you explore the many options available when you turn 16, look at what option best suits you and your situation, strengths and interests.

My Future showcases your future careers and enterprise options all under one virtual roof.  If you are using a mobile or tablet we recommend that you download the app from 

Further Education

For information about applying to Colchester Institute please see

For information about applications and events for Suffolk New College, and also West Suffolk College and Colchester Institute, please click on the links. 

West Suffolk College Virtual Open Days

 http://link to book  please see link attached.

7 November Open Day

26 November Open Day uses the power of personal stories to inform and inspire young people’s career choices. As part of the Education and Employers charity, we help draw links between school subjects and jobs. We encourage young people to discover opportunities they may not have known about before. And we show what is possible in the world of work. Free and simple to use, the site features over 1000 videos of real people talking about their careers – explaining their job role, career path and how different factors have shaped their choices. 

iCould Buzz Quiz- 

In under 5 minutes, discover what your strengths are and what makes you tick. There are 16 possible results, each one linked to an animal.

Allied Health Website and Webinr (I See The Difference) 

Allied Health are bringing you some great content on health careers to share with pupils considering their options. Join them as they explore the benefits of careers in professions such as podiatry, therapeutic radiography, orthoptics, and prosthetics and orthotics.

Step into the NHS Over 350 careers to choose from within the NHS. Explore the site for videos and careers and work experience advice.

The Mullany Fund A Social Mobilty Charity 

The Mullany Fund is a registered charity committed to promoting, enhancing and providing opportunities for all young people to achieve regardless of background. We've asked some of our fantastic Mullany e-Mentors to talk to us about what life is like in their professions. Hopefully, they'll provide some useful insight into specific careers and help to give our students a 'virtual experience' of a day in the life of a relevant job.

icanbea.... has recorded Virtual Tours with a number of key employers in Ipswich including Morgan Sindall, Suffolk County Council and Ipswich Building Society. These tours are available online via the icanbea... website. The Virtual Tours gives you an opportunity to learn about Labour Market information and local employers from your home.

Teen Tech Innovation Days at Home are live virtual sessions that offer students insight into world class science and technology organisations and the opportunities that lie within them. You can ask questions and develop your own solutions to global challenges and learn more about different careers.

Learn Live seeks to inspire you through engaging and interactive live broadcasts from companies like The BBC, Balfour Beatty, Gatwick Airport, National Apprenticeship Service, Lancashire LEP, Network Rail, IBM, Health Education England and The NHS.  Check out the wide range of videos covering content such as CV writing, RAF live, Flood and Coastal Engineering.National 

The WOW Show. This Careers Guides aim to give you a real encounter and insight to what it means to take up a career and become part of the army of Allied Health Professionals in the NHS who make a real difference to people’s lives. The WOW Show video guides takes you behind the scenes to learn from near peers who are making their way in these valuable careers – and to hear directly from them about the pathways they took, what the job is really like, and what the opportunities are for the future. These two guides focus on careers as a Therapeutic Radiographer and a Podiatrist.

Youth Employment UK  Thinking about what you want from life? And how to get it? Youth Employment UK is here to help you develop your skills, provide careers support and tools to fulfil your potential. You can build your careers confidence with free training or find out about different routes in to careers you are interested in.

Makematic (Skillsumo) Skillsumo gives you access to relevant and inspirational careers advice and features videos focussed on work inspiration, 21st century skills, career pathways, professional development and future trends. Check out their growing collection of bitesize videos for young people entering the world of work.

PLEXUS Plexus Law offer a wide variety of legal and professional support roles to cater for people with different skill sets, academic achievements and career ambitions. Read on for a snapshot of the routes in to and roles within Law, the pathways and opportunities that you could follow.

The Student Room is the UK's largest online student community. Here you will find discussions and advice on revision, personal statements, careers, preparing for sixth form, and ideas on what to do next. 

Norfolk & Norwich Festival Want to find out more about creative careers? Norfolk & Norwich Festival plan to release a new film at the beginning of each month that focus on interviews and features with professionals in particular artforms. They are designed to inspire you and give you an insight into creative career options. The first video profiles three musicians with East Anglian connections: musical director Greg Arrowsmith, composer Cheryl Frances-Hoad, and broadcaster Tom McKinney.

Success at School have put together this comprehensive guide to routes into the different types of careers. Find out all about different areas of work, the jobs on offer and how to get them, and see what the experts have to say.

Future First have created some work experience profiles offering advice on what you can do during and after lockdown to gain experience for various sectors. Sign up to view the profiles.

All about Law is the site you need to find the latest training contracts and vacation schemes at the best law firms in the UK. Get all the info you need, click and apply. Find out about tons of fantastic ways for school leavers to enter the legal profession. Find and apply for a legal apprenticeship right here, right now. Find out everything you need to know about a career in law, apprenticeship and university routes. Get stuck in

All about finance careers If you’re studying for your GCSEs at the moment, and you’re already looking for advice on how to get into the world of finance, good on you! It’s a fantastic idea to start early. Find out what you can be doing now to get off to the very best start. If you’re currently studying for your A-Levels or Advanced Highers, it’s time to start making some big decisions about your future. That means you’re going to need all the advice you can get! Don’t worry, we’ve got your back!

Neon Futures ENGINEERING Bringing STEM to life through real-world engineering
Brilliant experiences, inspiring career resources and stories that showcase modern engineering We've brought together these featured experiences and resources to inspire you.


Careers & Coffee is back, 12:30 – 13:00 every Tuesday & Thursday Live on YouTube with exciting new guests. Join virtual Q&As sessions with local leaders from across East Anglia which give you an opportunity to learn about the world of work. Previous guests include: Non-Executive Director of the FA Premier League, Kevin Beeston, Clare Friel, Managing Director of La Vida Media and Co-Founder of Construction Anglia, and His Honour, Judge Rupert Overbury. All past sessions can be accessed on the New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership YouTube channel. 



EMPLOYERS information

‘We strive to provide our students with encounters of the workplace and employers. If you would like to promote opportunities such as: Mock Interviews, Volunteer Work, Employability workshops or other opportunities for our students to get involved in, please contact: 

Mrs Jenna Witting

Work Experience Administrator

Copleston High School

01473 277240 Ext: 715

07485 315665

In the office Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 9.30-12.30


Writing a CV and personal statements

Rate My Placement. This site will provide you with a Work Ready Virtual Experience and will help to develop your soft skills virtually. The experiences are free and designed to arm you specifically with the work-readiness skills that will help you to navigate these challenging times, and empower you to thrive as you seek and secure placements, internships and graduate roles.

CareerAddict Do you want to stand out from the crowd? This acticle considers 20 online volunteering opportunities you can do from home

Pathway Careers Training & Mentoring. Pathway CTM have opened their digital programme to all students aged over 15 in the UK. Their digital programme includes daily webinars, virtual employer events, access to their workshops covering everything from How to Create a CV to their LinkedIn Masterclass. You can attend these live events via phone, tablet or laptop and you will also receive a link to listen to the recording as and when you want.

One Step Closer @ West Suffolk College Our Talent Coaches are available to work with you to get the best out of your application or CV, and they can guide you further by completing practice online interviews. Please email the One Step Closer team to ask for support. 

Personal Statement Template Download our free worksheet and personal statement template that will help you plan and write an original personal statement that is honest, positive, engaging and sets you apart..

PwC Employability Hub PwC are focussed on helping you to achieve your full potential. That’s why they've created the Employability Hub - a place where you’ll find useful virtual tools to support you to develop key employability skills. Explore our different resources below.