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Copleston High School

Literacy and Numeracy Catch Up

Catch up Actions

Actions being taken in Literacy and Numeracy can be found under the headings below:


Brief description


Numeracy Form Activities

As a part of the school’s drive to improve our Numeracy skills across the school, we have designed a range of activities for students to do during form time. Please see an example of some of the activities on our Pastoral Page.

Students have a Numeracy focus at the beginning of the day to encourage a positive attitude to behaviour for learning for the day ahead.

GOALs (Gaining and opportunity to Accelerate Literacy) Curriculum

Students who achieved a score of below 95 in Key Stage 2 are entered into the GOALs curriculum in lieu of a Modern Foreign Language. This curriculum is taught by English teachers to deliver a bespoke curriculum to enhance the skills needed to succeed in English and accelerate the progress of these students across the curriculum.

Students’ confidence increase as they receive the support that they need to thrive and access all areas of the curriculum. Progress data shows that students following the GOALS curriculum make good progress.

Literacy Intervention forms (year 7 and 8)

Led by English teachers, the intervention forms begin at 8:30 and give students an opportunity to immerse themselves in the Accelerated Reader programme. Students are recommended by the English department staff and through termly reviews of English assessment data.

Students receive bespoke support for their reading and are given the time to build their skills.

Literacy Intervention forms (year 9 and 10)

Led by English teachers, the intervention forms begin at 8:30 and give students an opportunity to work on skills that will help them achieve across the school. Students work on reading and writing tasks that are designed to make them more independent and confident. Students are recommended by the English department staff and through termly reviews of English assessment data.

Students receive intensive support to accelerate their progress in English and other subjects. Students see the improvement and in other subjects.