In an academic year, trips are offered to students across the school. Some of our trips are residential such as the 1st World War Battlefields in Belgium, Water sports Activities in France as well as the Ski Trip. We also offer many theatre trips, museums, concerts and visits to places of interests.
We recognise the importance of safety and well-being of everyone when on such visits and have a rigorous process which has to be adhered to when students visit sites. This involves completing a parental consent form for each visit. It is important that this is completed in advance of each visit as circumstances do change and we must have accurate contact information.
Previous trips and activities have included:
Sixth Form cultural visit to New York
Sixth Form Geography visit to Iceland
Ski Trip – Austria
Year 8 Sail France Activity Week
Year 9 Ardeche Activity Week
Duke Of Edinburgh Award
Year 11 Battlefields trip to Belgium
Brighton (Geography 6th Form)
Cern (Science 6th Form)
Various theatre trips to London and other venues, for instance a year 11 visit to The Globe Theatre to watch Romeo and Juliet
Year 7 Panto trip to Ipswich New Wolsey Theatre
BT Martlesham
Alton Water
Adnams Science Trip
Cambridge University Taster Days
Colchester Zoo Sixth Form Biology
Colchester Zoo Literacy Trip
Colchester Zoo Graphics Trip
Dance East visits
Move It Dance Trip in London
Felixstowe Geography field trip
Natural History Museum
various revision events at local universities
Tate art trip
Oliver Twist at the New Wolsey
Shakespeare Schools Festival
Visiting authors come yearly and offer seminars and writing workshops
Touring school theatre companies come regularly