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Copleston High School


This section of our school website offers resources and support to our Copleston Sixth Form students.

Use the links to the right of this page, or from the drop down menu to navigate to these sections.


Our Sixth Form Sharepoint is an up-to-date resource bank that students can use to supplement their in class learning. This will include a variety of resources, such as:

  • lesson resources (booklets, presentations, worksheets)
  • revision resources
  • curriculum documentation
  • past exam papers, mark schemes and examiner's reports

Students will need to be logged into their Office365 accounts in order to access these resources.

revision and exam preparation

A summary of revision tips and resources available for students approaching internal or external examinations. This includes revision resources available on our Sharepoint as well as apps/websites that students can use.

student voice

Our fantastic team of student ambassadors, Team Six, drive our focus on Student Voice. For more information on how we approach student voice with our students, visit the Student Voice page.