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Copleston High School

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Extra-Curricular and Enrichment

In this area of Ipswich, Copleston is unique in offering students a choice of activities to get involved with on Wednesday afternoons. It was named WoW (What’s on Wednesdays) by the students and there is something on offer for everyone.

Formal lessons finish for students at 2.05pm every Wednesday and a varied programme of activities are on offer to all students in Years 7 to 9. In the past, these have included  Football, Rugby, Skatepark, Fencing, Hockey, Climbing, Video Games, Fitness, Table Tennis, Climbing, Basketball, Tennis, Netball, Trampolining, Hip Hop, Badminton, Journalism, Homework Club, Guitar and Cookery, but the activities on offer changes from year to year. All students can seek help with their coursework during this time too. 

Sports Clubs thrive at Copleston and it’s true to say that if there is a league going in the local area then we have a team (or teams) in it! PE Staff are very generous with their time and run teams in Netball, Football, Hockey, Cricket, Tennis, Basketball and even Swimming! Copleston has enjoyed success at local, and national, level with our teams. There is a link up with Ipswich Town Football Club Academy where some students study in the Sixth Form and play in the Academy.

Staff run many sporting events, Sports Days, Comic Relief, Its A Knockout etc to keep our students engaged and committed to a healthy lifestyle. Ski, Sailing and Adventure Holidays are also offered. 
Sports’ Assemblies and Celebration events recognise our students’ sporting achievements.

As well as the wealth of sporting events, Copleston offers many other extra-curricular activities, including: drama productions; an annual musical soiree (an informal evening bursting with talent and always packed to the rafters!); field trips; dance shows; art exhibitions; theatre visits; war graves visits; a Design Technology event where teams work with local businesses and carol concerts where senior citizens from the local community are invited to join in; science trips, a Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme and university visits. 

For more information on extra-curricular activities, please use the links in the sub-menu on the right. These include the most up to date version of our clubs and activities timetable.

To support students with their learning, but held before or after the normal school day or during holiday time, Copleston runs Breakfast Clubs, after school sessions offering extra help in Literacy and Numeracy run by Support Coaches and revision and booster sessions after school, in holidays and sometimes on weekends, across all subject areas.

 Please download the booklet to read more about some of the enrichment opportunities at Copleston: Enrichment Offer 2024-5.pdf

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